Can You Do Weight Watchers While Pregnant?

Can You Do Weight Watchers While Pregnant?

Pregnancy is a magical time for most. With a range of emotions running from ecstatic to terrified, there is so much running through your mind during this time. If you are someone who has struggled with your weight, pregnancy weight gain is likely a big concern. For those who started dieting with Weight Watchers before getting pregnant, or who are hoping to start during pregnancy, is it safe?

It is not recommended to do Weight Watchers, or any diet, while pregnant. During pregnancy, women require extra calories to support the growth and development of their baby and weight gain is expected and necessary. Dieting while pregnant can lead to negative side effects for the baby. Instead, focus on incorporating nutrient-dense foods and remaining active while pregnant.

Although it’s important to gain weight during pregnancy, there is a balance between a healthy weight gain and an unhealthy weight gain. Let’s take a deeper look into why Weight Watchers during pregnancy is discouraged, what is a healthy weight for pregnancy, how much to expect to gain, and all those other questions many women like you may be having.

Why Shouldn’t You Do Weight Watchers When Pregnant?

As fearful as some might be to gain weight during pregnancy, it’s completely normal and healthy to do so. However, this does not make it any easier for those who have struggled with their weight.

If you have already been working on weight loss, it may be tempting to try to continue to lose weight while pregnant. However, dieting while pregnant comes with risks such as small gestational weight or preterm birth.

Weight Watchers has been one of the top weight loss programs on the market since the 1960s. However, even their website explicitly states their program is not designed for pregnancy and recommends that you cancel if you become pregnant.

Weight Watchers does allow for those already enrolled to continue if their healthcare practitioner feels it is okay to do so. However, this is often for those who have been doing WW for many years. Don’t worry though, you can always rejoin Weight Watchers after the baby arrives.

How Can I Lose Weight During My Pregnancy?

You should not be losing weight intentionally during pregnancy as this can cause negative side effects for the growth and development of your precious baby.

Weight loss in the first trimester of pregnancy can occur due to morning sickness and other side effects of being newly pregnant. Aside from this, you should avoid losing weight during pregnancy.

Instead, focus on choosing a healthy diet and staying active to stay on track. Once the baby is born, then you can resume your weight loss plan. 

What is a Healthy Weight for Pregnancy?

For those who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, a healthy weight depends on many factors. The easiest way to determine if you fall within a healthy weight category is to look at your Body Mass Index (BMI). Healthy individuals will fall within 18.5-24.9. Anything above 24.9 or below 18.5 is considered high risk.

Your doctor will likely take your BMI when you go in for a checkup but calculating this on your own can be a bit of a challenge. You can use a BMI calculator available online if you are curious about where your range is, such as this one from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

How Much Weight Should I Gain During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy weight gain will depend on your pre-pregnancy weight. For those who fall within the normal BMI category, a weight gain of 25-35 pounds is expected. Those who fall above a BMI of 24.9 should gain 15-25 pounds, and those who fall below a BMI of 18.5 should gain 28-40 pounds [1].

Body Mass Index (BMI)Expected Pregnancy Weight Gain
<18.5 (Underweight)28-40 pounds
18.5-24.9 (Healthy Weight)25-35 pounds
>24.9 (Overweight)15-25 pounds

Is It Okay to Lose Weight During the First Trimester?

It is common for many to lose a few pounds during the first trimester due to morning sickness. However, if morning sickness and weight loss persist past the first trimester, it’s important to speak to your doctor. This could be a sign of a more concerning condition, such as hyperemesis gravidarum which can lead to dehydration, weight loss, and electrolyte imbalances.

Although this condition is rare, it is severe and may require hospital treatment [2].

Is It Okay to Gain Weight During the First Trimester?

Some women may experience a slight weight gain during the first trimester of anywhere between 2-4 pounds and this is normal. Weight gain that far exceeds this can increase your risk for significant weight gain throughout pregnancy.

Don’t worry if you’ve already gained a bit more weight than you expected during this time, you can still have a healthy pregnancy by being more aware of your diet and incorporating regular physical activity. If you are concerned about the weight you have gained during your first trimester, be sure to speak to your physician to rule out any underlying causes, such as hypothyroidism.

Is It Okay to Diet During Pregnancy?

Dieting is not recommended during pregnancy. However, watching your diet is recommended. Skip restrictive diets that are aimed towards weight loss and instead focus on incorporating nutrient-dense foods into your meals. This will allow for baby to grow at a healthy rate while also allowing you to gain weight gradually without concern.

Swap out low-calorie snacks and meals for whole foods. Incorporate a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, dairy, whole grains, beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Having a balanced diet, rich in nutrient-dense foods will make losing post-partum weight easier.

Should You Diet During Pregnancy if You Are Overweight?

Even though it may feel tempting, dieting during pregnancy is discouraged even if you are overweight. Instead, focus on choosing healthy meals for you and your growing baby and get in regular physical activity. Once the baby comes, you focus more on weight loss but until then, be patient and remember that what is most important during this time is that your baby is healthy and happy. 

Do You Burn More Calories When Pregnant?

Pregnancy needs are increased from the average because of the many complex things going on inside you to grow a tiny human. All these processes take a lot of energy, which means you need to increase your intake to fuel them.

Women who were at a healthy weight before pregnancy should consume between 2,200- 2,900 calories a day during pregnancy. During the first trimester, calorie needs are not typically increased. However, during the second trimester women should be consuming an additional 340 calories a day, followed by an additional 450 calories a day in the third trimester [3].

TrimesterCalorie Needs
FirstNo Change
Second+340 calories
Third+450 calories

Can You Do Weight Watchers While Breastfeeding?

For those post-partum breastfeeding moms who are looking to get back into or try out Weight Watchers, they can if they feel ready. Weight Watchers does report that their program is suitable for nursing moms once they are ready to start losing weight. Be mindful that breastfeeding moms also have higher than usual calorie needs. To produce enough milk to feed your baby, it’s encouraged that breastfeeding moms consume an additional 330-440 calories per day [4].

Although it is not discouraged to try to lose weight during this time, be mindful that you are not restricting your calories too much or it may result in decreased milk production. Luckily many moms will notice that despite the increased calorie needs, it is a lot easier to begin shedding that baby weight once you start breastfeeding. 

How Soon After Pregnancy Can I Start Weight Watchers?

Now that the baby is here, you are feeling ready to start shedding that baby weight but take caution.

Always be sure to get your physician’s approval before starting a diet plan, such as Weight Watchers.

It is typically encouraged for most women to wait at least 6-8 weeks post-partum before they begin actively trying to lose weight. This is to ensure adequate milk supply in the beginning stages of breastfeeding. 

Can I do Weight Watchers if Planning to Become Pregnant?

If you are looking to lose weight but also planning to become pregnant soon, no need to cancel your Weight Watchers subscription just yet.

Those who are overweight may find that weight loss can help increase fertility and improve their chances of conceiving.

Once you do see those two pink lines though, it’s time to put that program on pause until after the baby comes.

Why is Diet Important During Pregnancy?

Diet plays a critical role in the growth and development of your baby during pregnancy. Choosing a diet rich in nutrient-dense foods ensures proper brain development and healthy birth weight while also reducing the risk of birth defects. Because of this, it’s often encouraged to supplement your diet with a prenatal vitamin to help fill in nutrient gaps that may be a result of allergy, intolerance, or food preference.

A healthy diet during pregnancy includes an emphasis on whole foods while limiting heavily processed food items. This means skipping those potato chips, candy, ice cream, and cookies, and opting for more fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and other minimally processed foods. If you are concerned about your diet, consider speaking to your physician or Registered Dietitian to ensure you are making the right choices for your growing baby.

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