Is Crawfish Keto Friendly? (Hint: the Answer is YES!)

Is Crawfish Keto Friendly

Crawfish, crayfish, mudbugs, crawdads, yubbies – take your pick! These “fun-sized” lobsters go by many different names and they are considered iconic in many parts of the United States. Boils are the most well-known way to enjoy the small crustaceans, but they can be used in a variety of other ways and in different cuisines. Surprisingly, this tasty shellfish is related to shrimp, lobster, and crabs but tastes more similar to lobster. While most fish would be considered keto-friendly, many following this dietary approach may wonder if crawfish fall into the same keto-compliant category.

Crawfish is considered keto friendly. It is a high protein food, contains zero grams carbohydrates, and is a micronutrient rich shellfish that can be enjoyed by those following a variety of different dietary approaches. If crawfish are not readily available, the best keto friendly alternatives include low carbohydrate seafood such as shrimp, scallops, and lobster. 

In this article, we will review a brief overview of crawfish, nutritional profile and health benefits, and discuss some great alternative options. Let’s dig in!

What is Crawfish?

Crawfish are a small freshwater crustacean that has a similar appearance to a lobster. These shellfish are much smaller but do share a similar flavor to lobster. Crawfish have hard exoskeletons and contain 10 legs that allow them to walk the floor of whatever body of water they live. They range in size and appearance presenting anywhere from 2 to 6 inches in length and in a range of colors from deep green, brown, deep orange, or red, black, or blue hues. The region in which they are located and the water temperature greatly impacts the appearance of crawfish.

They are extremely popular in the southern regions of the United States and can be found in warm waters during the warm seasons. While they can be harvested from the wild, many areas such as Alabama, Arkansas, the Carolinas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas have small farms where crawfish are harvested specifically for human consumption. If left alone in the wild and not harvested for consumption, crawfish can live up to 50 years.

Where Do Crawfish Come From?


While crawfish can be found in the warm waters of many southern states, it has been estimated that Louisiana accounts for anywhere from 90-95% of all crawfish production in the United States. The state proves to be the largest domestic producer of crawfish, producing approximately 130-150 million pounds of crawfish per year. This harvesting of crawfish from farms or natural waterways produces a substantial number of jobs for Louisiana residents and has created an industry that injects nearly $300 million dollars into the state’s revenue every year.


Crawfish may be harvested from the wild, but crawfish farming in Louisiana is responsible for supplying about 85% of all crawfish produced across the United States. The state of Louisiana alone is host to over 1200 crawfish farms that occupy over 120,000 acres.

Are Crawfish Keto?

Yes, crawfish are keto-friendly and can be enjoyed without worry by those following a ketogenic diet. According to the nutritional profile of crawfish presented above, this shellfish contains 0 grams of carbohydrate per serving and therefore makes them an excellent option to include while following a ketogenic dietary approach. As with any food item, serving size and total carbohydrate count matters most when it comes to getting into and staying in ketosis. Most individuals following a ketogenic diet aim to consume between 20-40 grams of carbohydrate per day to ensure they are in ketosis. Fortunately, crawfish contain no carbohydrate, so they do not pose any issue in relation to surpassing total carbohydrate intake. They do, however, provide a significant amount of protein and a variety of beneficial nutrients per serving.

Health Benefits of Crawfish

Crawfish have many health benefits as they contain tons of beneficial micronutrients and provide an excellent lean protein option that can easily fit into many dietary approaches.  They are packed with high-quality protein and provide almost 25 grams per 5 ounce serving. Additionally, crawfish are low in fat and have zero carbohydrate content.

Although crawfish are only about 15% meat with the tail being the most common part of the shellfish that is consumed, these small crustaceans pack a lot of beneficial nutrients like B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, and phosphorus.

Nutritional Profile of Crawfish

Crawfish are an extremely healthy shellfish as they contain minimal calories, are low fat, low carbohydrate, and packed with protein. They contain a variety of different micronutrients that are necessary for optimal health. In the following sections we will review the macronutrient and micronutrient composition of this “small lobster”.


  • Crawfish

Nutritional Information (per 3 ounces):

  • Calories: 65
  • Total Fat: 0.8g
  • Saturated Fat: 0.1g
  • Cholesterol: 97mg
  • Sodium: 49mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 0g
    • Total Sugars: 0g
    • Fiber: 0g
  • Protein: 14g

Alternative Options

Although crawfish are a keto-safe option, there may be times where the shellfish isn’t available. In that case, there are a handful of other low to no-carbohydrate fish options that can easily be substituted. Let’s review some of our favorites together.

Shrimp, Raw

Sea Best 41/50 EZ Peel Shrimp, 16 Ounce Shrimp are extremely similar to crawfish and can be used as a substitute in the event that crawfish are not available. They are both very low carbohydrate making them an excellent choice for those following a ketogenic diet. Shrimp also offer a large amount of protein – a whopping 20 grams – per 100 gram serving (roughly 3.5 ounces).


  • Shrimp

Nutritional Information (per 100 grams):

  • Calories: 85
  • Total Fat: 0.5g
  • Saturated Fat: 0.1g
  • Cholesterol: 161mg
  • Sodium: 119mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 0g
    • Total Sugars: 0g
    • Fiber: 0g
  • Protein: 20g


Sea Best 20/30 Jumbo Scallops, 16 Ounce Scallops are a little different from crawfish in terms of shape, but still provide a similar texture and low-carbohydrate alternative option. This shellfish offers much in regards to flavor, versatility, and nutritional benefit. This seafood is loaded with tons of beneficial nutrients like phosphorus, selenium, zinc, and magnesium, to name just a few. Per 100 grams, scallops contain roughly 3 grams of carbohydrate.


  • Scallops

Nutritional Information (per 100 grams):

  • Calories: 69
  • Total Fat: 0.5g
  • Saturated Fat: 0.1g
  • Cholesterol: 24mg
  • Sodium: 392mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 3.2g
    • Total Sugars: 0g
    • Fiber: 0g
  • Protein: 12g

Lobster, Cooked

lobster claw and knuckle meat, cooked, product of canada, 2 LBS, frozen by Robert Wholey & Co. Lobster is another great alternative to crawfish as it not only is low-carbohydrate, but it also has an extremely similar flavor to crawfish. They are great sources of copper, selenium and contain some heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Where lobster really shines, though, is its protein content in just a 145 gram serving (roughly 5 ounces). It boasts a total of almost 28 grams of protein.


  • Lobster

Nutritional Information (per 145 grams):

  • Calories: 129
  • Total Fat: 1.25g
  • Saturated Fat: g
  • Cholesterol: 70mg
  • Sodium: 0mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 0g
    • Total Sugars: 0g
    • Fiber: 0g
  • Protein: 27.55g

Main Takeaways

Crawfish are a small, freshwater crustacean that look and taste similar to lobster. They go by many different names including crayfish, mudbugs, crawdads, and yubbies. They are part of the same family as shrimp, lobster, and crabs. Crawfish come in many different shapes and sizes all dependent on the temperature of the water and their geographical location.

The farming and harvesting of crawfish is extremely popular in the southern part of the United States. Louisiana is considered the most dominant domestic producer of crawfish as it annually provides around 90-95% of all crawfish distributed throughout the United States. This industry pumps millions of dollars into the Louisiana economy every single year and proves to be a substantial revenue stream for the state.

Crawfish contain lots of vitamins and minerals and boast a substantial amount of protein per serving with minimal calories, total fat, and carbohydrate. Due to their low carbohydrate content, this shellfish is considered keto-friendly.

Although crawfish are keto-friendly, there are a handful of other alternative options available that can be substituted in the event crawfish are not available. These alternative options include shrimp, lobster, and scallops.

Related Questions

Are crawfish and prawns the same thing?

No. Crawfish and prawns do get confused for one another quite often, but the two are very different. While crawfish are freshwater crustaceans, prawns are saltwater crustaceans. Prawns have branching gills and crawfish have featherlike gills. Taste-wise, prawns have a flavor more similar to shrimp. Crawfish tend to taste a bit more like lobster.

What part of the crawfish do you eat?

A crawfish only produces a small amount of edible meat. This edible portion can be found in the tail. Some will consume the head portion of the crawfish as it is said that during cooking, much of the flavor collects in the head region. Many consider this portion of the crawfish a delicacy.

Is crawfish Whole30 compliant?

Yes! Crawfish, when cooked without any non-Whole30 ingredients, are considered Whole30 friendly. Oftentimes for crawfish boils, ingredients like corn, butter, and sausage with off limit ingredients, are used and will therefore make the crawfish off limits as well.

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Ashley Patrick

Ashley is a registered dietitian who enjoys helping others develop healthy habits that fit seamlessly into their everyday life. She believes in a balanced approach to health with nutrition, physical activity, and mental health being the main focus. Through nutrition education and counseling she has helped countless individuals take back their health, improve their quality of life, and develop a balanced approach to maintaining their health long term.

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