How to Gain Weight in Your Buttocks and Thighs 

How to Gain Weight in Your Buttocks and Thighs 

15 years ago, fitness goals were to be as “skinny” as possible. Today, people are gravitating towards a fuller look when it comes to building muscle, particularly in their buttocks and leg area. This is the strongest part of our bodies, so it only makes sense that it is the most muscular. If you are interested in gaining weight or “bulking” in this area, you are probably wondering about the quickest way to achieve that goal.

To gain weight in your buttocks and thighs, you will need to focus on lower body exercises and a strategic diet. Exercises such as squats, lunges, leg press, and deadlifts will help you gain muscle mass in the thighs and buttocks. Additionally, bulking will help you build muscle tissue and give your body the proper fuel to perform these exercises.

Throughout this article, we will cover topics pertaining to how to gain weight in your buttocks and thighs, specific exercises, and tips for healthy weight gain.

How Can I Gain Weight in My Thighs and Bum Fast?

Unfortunately, when it comes to changing our bodies in any way, there is no “overnight solution.” The process of gaining weight in your lower body will take about 6-8 weeks for results to show. After this, you will need to continue the regime for the results to remain or grow.

Ready for the commitment? Let’s talk about what that will entail.

Gaining weight is easy. A few cheat meals, cocktails, and desserts seem to catch up with you quickly. So, gaining weight in your buttocks and thighs should be easy, right? Wrong.

There is a difference between gaining fat and gaining muscle. For a toned and muscular lower body, muscle mass is what we want to build. A specific diet consisting of quality calories is needed to achieve this. You’ll need to limit refined grain products, fatty meats, and fast food. Focus on fueling your body with fruits, vegetables, and high-protein lean meats.

The second step in this process is a killer “leg day” workout. This is a routine of exercise that focuses on the lower body. This includes your glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, etc. For the purpose of gaining weight, limit your cardio exercises. Cardio is an excellent tool when it comes to losing weight but does little for us in building muscle mass.

How Long Does It Take for Results to Show for Bigger Buttocks and Thighs?

The time it takes to see results of a larger buttock and thigh area will depend on a few different factors. Your body type, intensity, and consistency will all play a part. Additionally, the type of exercises you do will matter in the end.

To see muscle growth, experts recommend heavy weight and low reps. This builds muscle mass much quicker compared to high-rep body weight exercises.

If you are consistent with the right diet, exercises, and intensity for your body type, you will see results. Typically, you can see small results in the first few weeks. However, do not stop your process once you see these beginning results. It will be easy for your body to return to its original form if you quit after a few weeks.

To see a full transformation, this could take anywhere from 6 to 18 months. Be patient with yourself as your transition!

How to Get Bigger Legs Through Exercise

As mentioned, an intense leg workout will be needed to gain muscle mass in the thighs and buttocks. If you are a beginner, this can seem intimidating.

“Leg day” has a terrible reputation among gym-goers, simply because it is hard on our bodies. If you are too sore to sit the next day, you’ve had a great leg day!

Below is a list of crucial exercises when it comes to building mass in your thigh and butt area. Check it out:

1. Squats

A squat of any kind is your best friend when attempting to build mass in your thighs and buttocks. There are various types and forms of squats. Split squat, front squat, and goblet squat to name a few. These can be done with body weight but adding dumbbells or a barbell is recommended for the best results.

Here are the steps to do a proper squat:

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart
  • Bend your legs, keeping your knees in line with your feet
  • Continue to bend until you’re in a sitting position
  • You can come back up quickly, or hold for an added burn
  • Repeat!

2. Lunges

Lunges work pretty much every muscle in your lower body, as well as your core. This means they are a great tool to gain muscle mass. There are a few variations of this exercise as well. Forward and reverse lunges. In a forward lunge, your active leg moves forward. In a reverse lunge, your active leg goes backward. A reverse lunge puts more emphasis on your glutes, while a forward lunge works the quads. A good leg day incorporates them both!

Use these steps to achieve the proper form for a lunge:

  • Move one leg as if you are taking a large step
  • Lean forward so that each knee is at a 90-degree angle (keep your front knee in line with your feet, just like the squat)
  • Put weight back onto your heel to return to your original stance
  • Be sure to do equal lunges on each leg
  • If you are doing a reverse lunge, you can use the same instructions – just take a step back instead of a step forward!

3. Leg Press

This exercise requires a leg press machine. A leg press can help you target specific muscles in your legs that are difficult to tone otherwise. Additionally, it provides the fundamentals to strengthen and improve your other exercise movements, such as squats and deadlifts. If you are nervous about the form of a leg press, start with no added weight on the machine. As you become more confident, you can pack on the weight to build muscle.

Follow these steps to complete a leg press:

  • Sit on the machine with your feet flat against the platform
  • Keep your feet flat as you use your legs to push the press away from you (think of the movement of doing a squat in reverse)
  • As you extended, keep your knees bent slightly
  • Slowly bring the leg press back down toward you
  • Repeat!

4. Deadlift

Deadlifts are phenomenal when it comes to building muscle density. They work not only your glutes and hamstrings but your hip extensors and core as well. Plus, deadlifts are proven to increase your jump power, and mobility, and decrease back pain. These can be done with dumbbells or a barbell.

Steps to a successful deadlift:

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart
  • Slowly hinge forward at your hips, keeping your back flat and knees bent slightly
  • Stop bending forward once you feel enough tension in your hamstrings
  • Slowly return to the standing position
  • Repeat!

5. Hip Thrust

This exercise is killer when it comes to bulking the gluteal muscles. For best results, you should use dumbbells, or a weighted plate placed at your hips to grow those muscles. Hip thrusters have the added benefit of promoting better balance, which will increase your power when completing other exercises.

To do a hip thrust, follow these steps:

  • Lay on your back with knees bent
  • Bring your hips up, keeping your head and upper back flat on the ground
  • Squeeze your bum as you reach the top
  • Hold for a few seconds, keep squeezing
  • Slowly bring your hips back down
  • Repeat!

What Food Goes Straight to Your Bum?

You’ve probably experienced this scenario: as you eat a cupcake, fried, or any unhealthy food someone says, “that will go straight to your bum!” This saying has created a lot of confusion about what food does to our bodies.

There is no food that pockets in certain locations on our bodies. However, we can eat specific foods that fuel our workouts, which can promote muscle growth in a targeted area.

In order to gain weight, you need to be in a caloric surplus. That is, more calories are consumed than burned. You could gain weight by eating any type of food. But, without a strategic diet, that unhealthy will just take the form of fat rather than muscle.

A strategic diet will consist of protein-rich, healthy foods that will fuel your body during those heavy lifting sessions. You can consult a doctor or fitness coach on specific numbers of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates that will show the best results for your body.

What Food Makes You Bulk Up?

If you want to use diet as a tool to help you bulk, you will need to incorporate certain types of foods. A targeted diet is a great way to fuel your body when you are lifting heavy weights in the gym. In order to bulk, you will need high levels of protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Below is a list of great options.


Protein is the building block of your muscles. Therefore, increasing your intake will promote muscle growth. Protein has many other benefits for the body, including increased bone density, increased fat burning, and the reduction of cravings.

Here are some of the top protein options you can add to your diet:

  • Chicken Breast
  • Salmon
  • Eggs
  • Greek Yogurt


Many people have an unjust relationship with carbohydrates. “Cutting carbs” has been a popular diet fad for many years. Most people think that carbohydrates are bad for us. The opposite is true. Carbohydrates are essential, especially when it comes to building muscle. They are our body’s primary energy source that is used for fuel during those heavy lifting sessions. Eating carbs before your workout is a great way to make sure you have the momentum to meet your goals. It is important to note that carbohydrates can easily turn into fat. To avoid this, consult your doctor on the appropriate number of grams you need based on your body type and intensity of activity.

Try these options when you incorporate carbohydrates into your diet:

  • Brown Rice
  • Quinoa
  • Oats


Fats, just like carbohydrates, provide our bodies with energy. Your fat intake should depend on the amount of protein and carbs your body needs. Healthy fats are important to this goal, because they will be easily transformed into energy.

These are a few healthy fats that are “bulking” approved:

  • Avocado
  • Peanut Butter
  • Seeds and Nuts

How Many Meals to Eat Per day to Gain Weight in Buttocks and Thighs

One meal every two hours is the magic number to gain weight in your buttocks and thighs. This sounds like a lot, right? In order to bulk and properly fuel your body, you will need to eat more than the typical three large meals.

Lager, infrequent meals will suffice for an individual who is not very active. These six to eight meals will be much smaller than you are used to. Frequent meals provide the power behind the necessary energy you need to build muscle.

How to Tone Your Thighs in 2 Weeks

As mentioned previously, there is no “overnight solution” to seeing changes in our bodies, no matter good or bad.

With a consistent exercise routine and bulking diet, you will be able to see some tone and definition in a few weeks. However, you will not see noticeable results for about 3 to 4 months.

To see results, consistency is the most important element. Do not get discouraged if you do not receive the body you want within weeks, it will come!

Experts recommend completing two leg days per week.

  • In one session, focus on your glutes and hamstrings.
  • In the next, work the quadriceps and calves.
  • Pairing this with light cardiovascular exercises once or twice per week will give you toned thighs and legs.

How to Gain Weight in Your Lower Body Only

If you want to gain weight and bulk in your lower body alone, this can be achieved. To do this, you will have to focus your workouts primarily on strength training leg workouts. Squats, lunges, and deadlifts will be your new best friends!

Although experts recommend a leg day workout twice per week to see results, three times per week is the sweet spot if you are looking only to bulk your legs. 

How to Gain Weight in Legs for Skinny Girl

Bulking will be almost the same process for a skinny person as it would for an obese person. Even if you are skinny, you will still need to restrict your diet to those strategic numbers of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats in order to see results and properly fuel your body.

Additionally, you will be doing the same leg workouts in order to promote muscle growth in the leg and buttocks area.

The main difference in training will be the number of cardiovascular workouts incorporated into your routine. For an overweight person, more cardiovascular is recommended to reduce fat on top of building muscle. For someone who has a minimal amount of fat in the body, this might not be needed to achieve your goals.

Performing cardiovascular exercises has health benefits, so it is recommended to include 30 minutes at least once per week in your routine.

Lifestyle Tips for Healthy Weight Gain

It is easy for our bodies to gain weight. There are plenty of foods and drinks within our reach that are packed with junky fats, sugars, and processed ingredients. All of these can pack on pounds in no time. But, if you want to gain weight the healthy way, there is a different way we need to approach this goal.

On top of incorporating a strategic diet with high protein, you also want to be good to your body in other ways.

Below is a list of the top tips to follow when bulking:

1. Get Plenty of Sleep

The right amount of sleep has numerous benefits for your body. It reduces stress, the risk for illness and improves brain function and coordination. Getting eight hours of sleep is recommended by the experts.

2. Reduce Alcohol Intake

Alcohol takes a very hard toll on our bodies. Although it can be fun in social settings, if you are looking to be healthier, it is best to limit intake. When we reduce our alcohol intake, we can see results such as improved sleep, better immunity, and improved health overall.

3. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is crucial. This is especially true if you are pushing your body to its limits during a workout. The proper intake of water can keep joints lubricated, prevent infections, and deliver nutrients to cells. Additionally, you are more likely to see improved sleep, body functions, and mood when your body is well-hydrated.

4. Set a Realistic Goal

As we mentioned before, you will not see immediate results. If you are expecting this, you will be disappointed. Setting realistic goals and taking pride in small accomplishments along the way will give you the motivation to continue in your journey.

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