The unique tasting and difficult to pronounce Worcestershire sauce is a staple in many households, but its ingredients list can cause question for those on the Whole30 diet. With so many different additives eliminated during the 30-days is Worcestershire sauce a Whole30 friendly sauce we can continue to enjoy, or do we need to search for an alternative?
No, Worcestershire sauce is not considered Whole30 friendly as it contains added sugars. The Whole30 diet strictly prohibits added sugars in foods during the 30-days of this elimination-like diet in order to “reset” and identify any food sensitivities as well as address cravings and poor food choices. The best Whole30-approved alternative to Worcestershire sauce is Primal Kitchen Balsamic Vinegar.
Now that we know we must give up this beloved sauce when on the Whole30 diet, let’s take a deeper look into Worcestershire sauce and some Whole30 alternatives.
What is Worcestershire Sauce?
Worcestershire sauce is a savory, vinegar-based condiment similar to soy sauce or fish sauce. It is commonly used as an additive to meat stews, casseroles, pies, soups, sauces, marinades, and alcoholic beverages, such as the Blood Mary. Its flavor is described as savory, sweet and slightly tangy.
Worcestershire sauce is fermented with ingredients such as vinegar, anchovies, molasses, tamarind, onions, and garlic. Originally created in England in the early 1900s by Lea & Perrins, an American version by the same company was created which is a lot lower in sodium but often contains more added sugars. Unfortunately because this tangy condiment contains molasses and sugar in both versions, it is not considered a Whole30-friendly ingredient.
Does Worcestershire Sauce Tenderize Meat?
Worcestershire sauce works well as a meat tenderizer because of the high acidity of the vinegar base which helps to breakdown the fibers in meat into a more tender product.
Is Worcestershire Sauce Spicy?
Worcestershire sauce is more savory and sweet than it is spicy. Though it does have a little tang to it, it is not considered a traditionally spicy condiment like hot sauces.
Health Benefits of Worcestershire Sauce
Now that we know a little more about this sauce, let’s take a look at some of the potential health benefits of having a dash of it in your favorite recipes at home (that is, when you are not on the Whole30 diet.)
Not only is Worcestershire sauce a delicious additive to a variety of foods and recipes, but it is also rich in vitamin B6 and immune-boosting nutrients such garlic cloves, onion, and chili extract. These foods are high in vitamin C, a vitamin that acts as an antioxidant to reduce damage and risk of disease from free radicals [1].
Worcestershire sauce is also rich in iron and niacin from the anchovies. Niacin rich foods can help to improve digestion and breakdown essential macronutrients to be utilized by our body. Iron rich foods help in the production of red blood cells which carry oxygen throughout our body. Both with essential functions, Worcestershire sauce can bring valuable nutrients to the table in just a small serving.
Health Drawbacks of Worcestershire Sauce
Just as it has its positive health benefits, Worcestershire sauce also has some health drawbacks. Moderation is always encouraged for processed foods and sauces that contain added salts and sugars.
Worcestershire sauce is particularly high in sodium, especially the English version. The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) general guidelines for sodium include a Daily Value (DV) under 2300mg a day. A 1-teaspoon serving of English Worcestershire sauce contains 100mg of sodium and a 1-teaspoon serving of American Worcestershire sauce contains 65mg of sodium. Because of this, it is encouraged to use this condiment sparingly [2].
Because Worcestershire sauce is a common condiment, it is often added to various recipes that likely also include salt and other foods with sodium which can increase the total sodium content. High sodium intake can increase your risk for certain chronic diseases, such as hypertension, heart disease or stroke.
Over 100 million U.S. adults suffer from elevated blood pressure and the risk only increases with age. It’s important to always read food labels for sodium content and limit foods that contain more than 20% of the daily value for sodium, about 460mg or more.
Worcestershire Sauce Nutrition Facts
Both the American and English versions are nutritionally equal apart from their sodium content which tends to be a lot higher in English versions.
Lea & Perrins Original Worcestershire Sauce (American)
- Distilled white vinegar
- Molasses
- Sugar
- Water
- Salt
- Onions
- Anchovies
- Garlic cloves
- Tamarind extract
- Natural flavoring
- Chili pepper extract
Nutrition Facts (per 1-teaspoon):
- Calories 5
- Fat 0g
- Sodium 65mg
- Carbs 1g
- Sugar 1g
- Fiber 0g
- Protein 0g
Lea & Perrins Original Worcestershire Sauce (English)
- Malt vinegar (from barley)
- Spirit vinegar
- Molasses
- Sugar
- Salt
- Anchovies
- Tamarind extract
- Onions
- Garlic
- Spice
- Flavorings
Nutrition Facts (per 1-teaspoon):
- Calories 5
- Fat 0g
- Sodium 100mg
- Carbs 1.1g
- Sugar 0.9g
- Fiber 0g
- Protein 0g
Whole30 Alternatives to Worcestershire Sauce
Primal Kitchen Organic Balsamic Vinegar
Because Worcestershire sauce is vinegar based, an easy and Whole30 alternative to get similar flavor is balsamic vinegar. Primal Kitchen’s organic balsamic vinegar is a great choice, it contains no added ingredients, is non-GMO and certified organic. You can find this product online at various retailers including priced at $8.99 for an 8.45-ounce bottle.
- Organic balsamic vinegar
- Organic cooked grape must
- Organic wine vinegar
Nutrition Facts (per 1-tablespoon):
- Calories 30
- Fat 0g
- Sodium 10mg
- Carbs 8g
- Sugar 6g
- Added sugars 4g
- Fiber 0g
- Protein 0g
Coconut Secret Coconut Aminos
Although it won’t perfectly duplicate the sweet-sour complex flavors of Worcestershire, coconut aminos can be used as an alternative for Whole30 recipes to add a little bit of savory tang. You can find this product in many local grocery chains or online at retails sites such as priced at $6.39 for an 8-ounce container.
- Coconut tree sap aged and blended with sun-dried mineral rich sea salt
Nutrition Facts (per 1-teaspoon):
- Calories 5
- Fat 0g
- Saturated fat 0g
- Sodium 90mg
- Carbohydrates 1g
- Sugar 1g
- Added sugar 0g
- Fiber 0g
- Protein 0g
Red Boat 40°N Fish Sauce
Another ingredient that helps to give Worcestershire sauce its signature flavor is anchovies. A Whole30-friendly swap for Worcestershire sauce in recipes is fish sauce. However, not all fish sauce is Whole30 friendly. Red Boat 40°N Fish Sauce is a pure, Whole30 approved ingredient that can help mimic the salty, savory flavor of Worcestershire sauce during your 30-days.
Be careful to use sparingly as this product contains a significant amount of sodium per 1-tablespoon serving. You can find this product online at priced at $4.50 for a 100ml bottle.
- Anchovy
- Sea salt
Nutrition Facts (per 1-tablespoon):
- Calories 15
- Fat 0g
- Saturated fat 0g
- Sodium 1490mg
- Carbohydrates 0g
- Sugar 0g
- Added sugar 0g
- Fiber 0g
- Protein 4g
Dynamic Health Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother
Apple cider vinegar is a suitable Whole30 alternative to Worcestershire sauce is some recipes, specifically to add that tart-sour flavor profile. You can find this brand at various online or in-store retail sites, such as Walmart, priced at $16.76 for a 32-ounce bottle.
- Organic wine vinegar
- Organic concentrated grape must
Nutrition Facts (per 1-tablespoon):
- Calories 0
- Fat 0g
- Saturated fat 0g
- Sodium 0mg
- Carbohydrates 0g
- Sugar 0g
- Added sugar 0g
- Fiber 0g
- Protein 0g
Homemade Whole30 Worcestershire Sauce
For those who want as close to the real thing as possible, there are a variety of homemade Whole30 compliant Worcestershire recipes available online. Below are a few of the top-rated recipes.
1. Once a Month Meals Paleo and Whole30 Compliant Worcestershire Sauce
- ½ cup apple cider vinegar
- 1 tablespoons water
- 2 tablespoons coconut aminos
- ¼ teaspoon ground mustard seed
- ¼ teaspoon onion powder
- ¼ teaspoon garlic powder
- 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1/8 teaspoon black pepper
- Combine the ingredients listed above into a saucepan over medium heat.
- Bring to a boil while stirring continuously.
- Simmer for a couple minutes, remove from heat and let cool.
- Store in a glass container in the refrigerator.
Nutrition Facts (per ¾ cup serving):
- Calories 60
- Fat 0g
- Saturated fat 0g
- Sodium 520mg
- Carbohydrates 8g
- Sugar 6g
- Fiber 0g
- Protein 0g
2. Tastes Lovely Paleo + Whole30 Homemade Worcestershire Sauce
- ½ cup white distilled vinegar
- ¼ cup coconut aminos
- 3 pitted dates
- ½ teaspoon anchovy paste
- ¼ teaspoon salt
- ¼ teaspoon garlic powder
- ¼ teaspoon onion powder
- 1/8 teaspoon cloves
- 1/8 teaspoon chili powder
- Place all ingredients in a small saucepan over medium heat.
- Simmer for 5 minutes and then pour ingredients into a blender.
- Blend on high speed for 1 minute.
- Pour liquid through a mesh strainer and store in a glass jar in the refrigerator for later use.
Nutrition Facts (per 1-tablespoon):
- Calories 7
- Fat 0g
- Saturated fat 0g
- Sodium 0mg
- Carbohydrates 1g
- Sugar 0g
- Fiber 0g
- Protein 0g
Related Questions
Is Worcestershire Sauce Vegetarian?
No, traditional Worcestershire sauce contains anchovies therefore it is not vegetarian-friendly. However, it is an option for those who are pescatarian.
Can Worcestershire Sauce be Used Instead of Soy Sauce?
Worcestershire sauce has a similar umami flavor to soy sauce and contain be a suitable alternative in certain recipes.
Can Worcestershire Sauce be Used as Steak Sauce?
Worcestershire sauce is a common ingredient in steak sauces and marinades. It can be used as a sauce on its own. However, because of its strong flavor and high sodium content, it is not encouraged on its own.